What plants can be toxic to cats? Why? What should you do if you think your cat might have eaten from a toxic plant?
Any cat owner will tell you that most cats possess an instinctive nature that makes them cause trouble. But keeping your cat from eating certain household plants is a precaution that may help save your garden, as well as your cat's life.
Which plants are toxic?
Unfortunately, there is a long list of plants that are toxic to cats. Here is only a partial list of plants that might otherwise not seem so deadly:
- Aloe Vera
- Azaleas
- Bird of Paradise
- Calla Lily
- Chrysanthemum
- Creeping Fig
- Crown of Thorns
- Daffodil
- Elephant Ears
- English Holly
- Iris
- Many forms of Ivy
- Majesty
- Mistletoe
- Poinsettia
- Pot mum
- Saddleleaf
- Spider mums
- Tulips
- Umbrella plants
- Many forms of Vines
How can you keep your cats from eating toxic plants?
Keeping your cat out of any type of mischief is a daunting task. However, you can take measures to place the plants out of your cat's reach. This might involve putting them on tall stands or hanging them from the ceiling. But if your plants are outside, then you must find a way to confine them from your cat's roaming premises. Some owners provide their cats with their own outdoor playing area that is free of any hazardous objects. Another option is to spray your plants with water, then lightly sprinkle pepper on them. Your plants will not be harmed, but your cat will be deterred by the irritating scent.
What should you do if you think your cat might have eaten from a toxic plant?
If you have any suspicion that your cat may have ingested something toxic, act immediately. Symptoms of poisoning include foaming at the mouth, seizures and vomiting. But don't wait for your cat to show symptoms of being sick, your ability to act immediately could save your cat's life.
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